Cannot load module ./modules/module_17030.dll
Thanks for pointing the BOM.

I was able to get around that with:

file /mnt/s/scratch/hashcat-foobar-gpg-hash.txt

iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 /mnt/s/scratch/hashcat-foobar-gpg-hash.txt -o /mnt/s/scratch/hashcat-foobar-gpg-hash.txt

Also, thanks for pointing out that asterisk.  I feel pretty silly not catching that and then scrolling down to the legend where is calls out that it's in beta or not yet released.

I will go pull down a beta release and see if I have better luck.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cannot load module ./modules/module_17030.dll - by mogley766 - 03-25-2024, 01:48 PM